General Instructions

  1. The second convocation of N.S.U.T., Convocation 2024, will be held on 4th October, 2024 in the campus. It is an auspicious and solemn ceremony, in which decorum must be maintained at all times. Please read and follow all the instructions given.
  2. The Convocation will be organized in two parts:
    • 2.1. Awards Ceremony: The Awards Ceremony will be conducted from 10:00 am till 1:30 pm in the Moksha Ground Marquee (Main venue) to confer Chancellor’s gold medals, Vice Chancellor’s gold medals and Ph.D. degrees.
    • 2.2. Degree distribution:The Awards Ceremony will be conducted from 10:00 am till 1:30 pm in the Moksha Ground Marquee (Main venue) to confer Chancellor’s gold medals, Vice Chancellor’s gold medals and Ph.D. degrees.
  3. A mandatory rehearsal will be arranged in the campus one day before the main Convocation. All award winners, UG, PG and PhD graduands must arrive for the rehearsal at 10:00 am sharp.
  4. Please note that on the day of the convocation:
    • 4.1. No parent/representative will be allowed to receive the degree or award on behalf of any graduand.
    • 4.2 No student will be allowed to take their degree or award directly, either from the academic section or from their Departments.
  5. All graduands will have to register online through the Google form links emailed to them. They must also register physically on the day of the convocation at the registration desks which will be open from 7 am till 10:00 am.